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What’s the Difference Between a Crane Fly and a Mosquito?

Serving Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, & South Carolina

plastic bowl abandoned in a vase with stagnant water - mosquito breeding ground

The most obvious difference between crane flies and mosquitoes is their size. Crane flies are larger with a wider wingspan. However, there are many more differences between the two species, including their diet and behavior.

As spring kicks into gear, crane flies take over yards and gardens across our region. But crane flies, and mosquitoes bear a strong resemblance to each other, so how do you know which one is which? In this blog, the pros at Lookout Pest Control discuss crane flies and mosquitoes and how the two species differ.

The Differences Between Crane Flies and Mosquitoes

Crane FlyMosquito
Shape and SizeStraight long body, 1-1.5 inchesBent abdomen and needle-like nose, roughly 0.10-0.50 inches in size
Lifespan1 – 2 weeks1 – 6 weeks
WingsSingle Pair, 0.5-2.5 inches in sizeTwo pairs, roughly 1 inch in size
Legsvery long, twice the size of their bodiesLong and thin
AntennaNot HairyHairy
When Are They Active?NighttimeDawn & Dusk
Threat To HumansHarmlessCan pass several diseases

What Does a Crane Fly Look Like?

A crane fly is a type of fly that is visually similar to a mosquito, ranging in size from tiny to almost 1.2” long (3 cm). Crane flies are harmless and slow-flying insects that are usually found around water or abundant vegetation. 

The easiest way to differentiate a crane fly from a mosquito is by the position of its body. Crane flies hold their bodies straight and rest with their wings wide open. Yet, mosquitoes have a humpbacked appearance when they sit with their wings folded flat on their backs.

Do Crane Flies Eat Mosquitoes?

No, despite some people calling them “mosquito eaters,” crane flies do not feed on mosquitos. This confusion comes from the fact that they can look like mosquito hawk wasps. 

Crane flies spend much of their life cycle underground and rarely encounter mosquitoes. When larvae reach adulthood, the crane fly spends its time mating, laying eggs, and waiting to die.

What Is a Crane Fly’s Purpose?

Adult crane flies eat little to nothing and live a relatively short lifespan. However, their larvae play an important role in spurring the decomposition of organic matter. Breaking down waste in soil and processing organic material for other organisms helps the overall ecosystem and the circle of life function properly.

Dealing with Crane Flies or Mosquitoes?

Whether you’re dealing with crane flies or mosquitoes, the pest control professionals at Lookout Pest Control can help. We offer a range of highly effective mosquito control and residential pest control treatments designed to give you peace of mind.

Ready to get started? Give our courteous team a call today and get a free estimate on your service.

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What’s the Difference Between a Crane Fly and a Mosquito in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, & South Carolina?

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