We tend to think of squirrels as cute, fuzzy, and generally harmless. However, squirrels can cause very serious problems for homeowners and can be hard to get rid of. It’s important to learn the signs you have squirrels in your attic or roof to help prevent damage.
In this blog, we’ll discuss the six warning signs of squirrel activity in your attic.
6 Signs You May Have Squirrels in Your Attic or Roof
Acorns: It is not just a cliche — squirrels really do love acorns! They love to gather them and store them away for the winter months. If you see deposits of acorns in your attic or on your roof, a squirrel most likely brought them there.
Unusual Noises: Squirrels aren’t graceful rodents. They can make considerable sounds while moving around your home. Listen for loud scampering noises early in the morning and at dusk. Squirrels sleep at night and are most active when we are.
Foul Odors: Squirrel urine can be very potent. You might smell it through the walls and your heating/cooling vents. Squirrels can also become stuck inside the walls and die — which will cause an even more powerful odor. If you begin to smell off-putting, foul odors, it could be a sign of squirrels.
Damage to Your Home: Squirrels will chew through just about anything to find warmth and shelter. Inspect the molding, wiring, beams, and entryways to your attic or roof. If you find chewed-up materials and wires, squirrels could be present.
Nests: Squirrels will use the insulation in your crawl spaces and attic to build their nests. Look for destroyed and ruffled insulation as well as yard debris like leaves. Squirrels like to carry in goods from nature to build their nests and will also take materials from your home.
Squirrel Droppings: Squirrel droppings are a sure sign of a squirrel infestation in your home. Look for scattered droppings in and around your attic and roof. Squirrel feces are dangerous and bacteria-ridden. Be sure to hire a professional pest service for their removal.
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What Should You Do If You Have Squirrels?
It’s important to let a professional handle a squirrel infestation. Do not attempt squirrel removal on your own. It is best to seek professional help in this situation so that all wildlife can be dealt with properly.
Squirrels can cause serious damage to your home. Chewed out holes that lead to the outside, destroyed gutter lines, insulation repairs, and worst of all chewed service and electrical wires. A squirrel can easily set your home ablaze by chewing up a wire in your attic or crawl space. If you believe you have a squirrel or any rodent infestation in your home, call your professional pest control company immediately.
The True Danger of Squirrels in Your Home
To keep their teeth sharp, squirrels gnaw and chew constantly on both edible and non-edible items. This includes nuts, tree buds, seeds, and more. If squirrels invade your home, they will look for something to chew on to keep their teeth sharp. In your attic, this could mean electrical wires. Rodents chewing electrical wires can lead to fire, so if you suspect a rodent infestation of any kind, don’t hesitate to call in a professional.
When are Squirrels Most Active?
Squirrels are most active in the early mornings and late afternoons, so if you are hearing rustling, banging, and other strange noises in your attic or roof during those times, you might have a family of squirrels sharing your home with you.
Squirrel Control in the Southeastern United States
While squirrels outdoors are generally harmless, they can cause a lot of problems for homeowners. If there are squirrels in your attic, for example, it can be extremely difficult to get them out. There may also be damage to various items on your property due to gnawing, as well as daytime sounds of activity.
If you spot signs of squirrels in your home, your best bet is to give Lookout a call right away. Our experienced squirrel control technicians will handle the issue easily and without hassle.
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